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FAQs Page


Frequently asked questions

Here is a list of common questions, if you have any question unanswered, feel free to ask your question on this page.

Psychotherapy services are provided by professionals registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists. 

Psychological services are provided under supervised psychological care by a psychological associate who is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. 

Currently, counselling and therapy services are not covered by OHIP.

The services I provide are accepted by most insurance policies under a Registered Psychotherapist (psychotherapy services) or a Registered Psychologist (psychological services). It is important that you check with your service provider before sessions begin so that we can ensure proper billing and coverage. Insurance claims that are rejected are not refundable nor can they be retroactively changed to a Psychologist should one be required for coverage. 

Specifically, you will want to ask if the plan covers:

  1. a "Registered Psychotherapist"? If yes, ask if it covers someone who is being supervised by another psychotherapist qualified to do so under the College of Registered Psychotherapists. If no, go to 2.
  2. a "Registered Psychologist". If yes, ask if it covers someone being supervised by a Registered Psychological Associate registered with the College of Psychologists.

If no to both questions, feel free to reach out to discuss other options.

In-person sessions are available and located in Oshawa, ON. Should you wish to have a session outdoors, there is access to a private garden among tall birch tress for an added element of nature. 

As well, telehealth sessions are available via phone or video. This is available to all Ontario residents.

This process will look different for everyone depending on individual challenges and hopes for therapy.

Discussions about expectations will happen early on and progress checks will happen continually to ensure your needs are met and concerns addressed. 

The search for a therapist can be an overwhelming process. I am here to support you and offer a free consultation to see if you are comfortable in working with me; following which, you may have a better idea or need more time. You are then welcomed to reflect on the experience, encouraged to speak to more therapists, and to reach out when you feel ready.

Fees are as listed below. 
Sliding scale offered - limited availability.

  1. Psychotherapy Service - $155/60 min.
  2. Psychological Service - $200/60 min.
  3. Couples Therapy - $165/60 min.
  4. Group fees - $50/90 min. 

Yes, all are welcomed! While I have a special focus on high sensitivity, it is not a requirement.

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